Thursday, April 27

Books on CD

It is quiet and lonely in my sewing room. I have a radio down there and keep it tuned to NPR. I really enjoy NPR at certain times of the day, but I lose interest when I hear the second airing of BBC news. That'’s why I take books on CD out of the library.

Listening to books on CD while I quilt is a fabulous way to pass time and it allows me to not let my reading suffer from the fact that I am spending an increasing amount of time quilting. However, you should really only attempt to listen to fluffy books while quilting. It needs to be a book you don'’t have to pay super close attention to, since your attention will be focused on the quilting.

The Harry Potter books are fabulous on CD. Right now I'm listening to the latest novel in Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts Series. While it's not literature by any stretch of the imagination, it'’s a really fun read - sort of a guilty pleasure. I've only just started the book, but there i’s a character that's been introduced who is a stay-at-home mom and has an embarrassingly extensive knowledge of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Needless to say, I've been relating to her a lot. And laughing a lot. Good read, er listen.


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