Tuesday, April 25

Finding Time to Sew

I have a six month old (Simon), and he is my full time job. Finding the time to quilt while doing that job well is quite the challenge. I have a system that is working this week, but he may decide next week that it is no longer a good system and he hates sewing and the fact that I sew and then I will have to find a brand new system.

Simon usually takes a morning nap about 2 hours or so after he wakes up. As soon as I can get him in his crib, I take a quick shower and then go downstairs to work in my sewing room until he wakes up. This usually gives me about 30 minutes of sewing time. Once he wakes up, I change him and feed him and play with him a little to make sure he is truly awake. Then I take him down to my sewing room, place him in his exersaucer and put on some lively music for him. He bounces and squeals along to the tunes while I sew and chat to him. This gives me an extra 15-20 minutes of sewing time if he's in a bouncy mood.

I'm hoping to be able to sell some quilts relatively soon and I won'’t be able to do that while sewing for only 50 minutes a day, so I have needed to sew in the evening as well. My husband and I have recently started using Google Calendar and I used it to schedule quilting time for myself from 7-10 PM on Mondays and Fridays. I did this so my husband will know that he is on baby duty for that time. He's responsible for putting him to sleep and checking on him if he wakes up. Last night was my first night of this system and it worked great. I just hope the baby continues to adhere to the schedule!


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