Sunday, April 30

Spring Has Attacked My Fabric Stash

Springy StashI visited my fabric stash this morning with the following assignment: find fabrics that make you think of Spring. This collection on the left is what I was able to come up with. The pinks are a collection of reproduction Civil War era fat quarters I ordered from Keepsake Quilting. The greens are just light greens that I thought complimented the pinks nicely, but there is nothing reproductive about them ;).

I used these pinks in a sampler quilt two years ago and the leftovers were resigned to my stash. They are just so nice that they need to be used in another quilt. I've been planning for a while to use these in yet another baby quilt, but mixing them with the greens and some white in a scrap quilt. I have an extreme love for scrap quilts. The only problem is that I usually end up buying more fabric to complete the scrap quilts, when the goal of such a quilt is supposed to be to use up what you have - not to buy more to go with what you have!

Anyway, there are clearly more pinks than greens, so I will most probably buy a few fat eights of some more light green prints to go in the quilt. I think it will be the next baby quilt I start, after I complete the two baby quilts that are already started. I need to learn to finish one project before starting another!


Blogger Jessica said...

I also am quite fond of scrap quilts, but always seem to end up with more fabric in my stash at the end than less. There was a time that I stopped saying that I quilted, and when people asked about my hobbies, i said "I collect fabric."

have fun with your pinks and greens, whatever you do with them.

10:05 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

"I collect fabric."

Hahahahahaha. That was awesome.

9:14 AM  

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