Monday, June 19

Quilting For Charity

Project Linus QuiltBeing a stay-at-home mom, I try very hard to save money. I have cut back on lots of things: cell phone, cable, new clothes, eating out, etc. However, I feel lots of guilt in cutting back on donating to charities. If I can't donate my treasure, then I must donate my time and talent. I have a goal of making several quilt tops a year for charity. However, since I'm trying to save money I've challenged myself to make charity quilts entirely from fabric in my stash.

My local quilt shop collects unfinished quilt tops for Project Linus. Several times a year, they have a "quilt in" where people volunteer their time to finish all the donated quilt tops. I'm hoping to be able to join in the quilting once Simon is no longer breastfeeding. In the meantime, I can keep making tops. Project Linus always seems to be in need of quilts for boys, so I gave this top one a camping/fishing theme (you know, rather than flowers and butterflies!). There are lots of prints with cabins, bears, fish, etc. It's rather busy, but I didn't have any solid fabrics in my stash to compliment the prints. I like to think that a little boy would appreciate all the business, anyway. There's lots to look at!


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