Tuesday, June 27


Front of Coin Purse

After making five coin purses, I've finally created a version that I am totally happy with. AND, I wrote down all the steps in the process so I won't forget what I did and have to do all that work all over again. I have a tendency of doing most everything from memory. So far, it has worked for me, but I don't want to count on that always being the case.

I solved my zipper problem by consulting the search engine at Crafster.org. It is my new favorite place on the internet. I'm sure most crafty type people have known about it for quite some time, but it's a recent discovery of mine. If you want to know how to do something, do a search on it on Craftster and you'll probably find more than one post explaining how to do that very thing. Brilliant! So, now I can shorten my own zippers. As a result, zippers are my new favorite thing and I just bought a whole, huge amount of them on Ebay. Yay zippers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well - lucky me, because I just received my wonderful coin purse in the mail, short zipper and all. It is wonderful!! I can't believe you were so speedy to use the scraps I mailed to you Monday and have this back to me by Saturday either (and good job to the post office too I must say.)

Anyway, I was very impressed with the sewing and design all very lovely. I was happy to "get rid" of my scraps to good homes with no thought of reward -- but this lovely little purse was a wonderful surprise today. Thanks. I'll post about it soon.

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, no, I didn't know you could shorten zippers. Hooray for you!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Yay - I'm so glad you got it already! A coin purse is just a lot nicer than a thank you card, I think ;).

7:29 PM  

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